A Simple Method for Determination of Solubility in the First Year Laboratory

Heather D. Harle, Julia A. Ingram, Phyllis A. Leber,
Kenneth R. Hess, and Claude H. Yoder
Journal of Chemical Education, 80, 560 (2003)


We describe a method for determining solubility that is fast and requires only a Buchner-type filter funnel, 500-mL round-bottom flask, and analytical balance. The loss in weight of a compound after suction extraction with one liter of water produces the solubility in grams per liter of water. Because it involves only two weighings and no transfer of precipitate it is also potentially quite accurate. The method can be used for both very soluble compounds and for compounds with solubilities as low as several mg per liter of water.

A Simple Method for Determination of Solubility in the First Year Laboratory