Additional Questions

  1. WFNM broadcasts at a frequency of 89.1 MHz.
    1. calculate the wavelength of this frequency
    2. calculate the energy of one photon of this frequency
    3. determine how many 100 W light bulbs could be operated for one second with the energy from one mole of photons of this frequency. [A 100 W light bulb requires 100 J per second.]
  2. For an electron confined to a line:
    1. Derive the equation for the energy starting from the DeBroglie relationship.
    2. Show the wave function and the location probability for both the ground state and the first excited state.
  3. Calculate the potential energy of one proton and two electrons positioned at the corners of an equilateral (equal sides) triangle with sides of 1 Å.

    Is this set of particles stable? Explain.

  4. In which orbital--1s, 2s, 2px, 2py, or 3s
    1. would an electron be most distant from the nucleus?
    2. would an electron have the lowest energy?
    3. would an electron be found along the x, but not the y axis?
  5. If the quantum numbers for atoms were given by the rules:

    n = 1, 2, 3, ...
    l = 0, ... n-1
    m = 0, .... l

    1. How many d orbitals would there be in n=3?
    2. How many elements would be p-fillers in a given period?
    1. How many s-orbitals have n=3?
    2. How many orbitals have n=3 and l = 1?
    3. How many electrons can have n=3 and m=0 ?
    4. Which orbital has the higher energy--3s or 3p?
  6. In the diagram below:
    1. label the orbitals and enter the electrons for magnesium on the left-side.
    2. using the diagram, calculate the ionization energy for a mole of magnesium atoms.
    3. on the right side of the diagram, enter the orbitals (and populate them) for phosphorus.
    4. is the ionization energy of phosphorus higher or lower than that of magnesium?